1-Rollers / Technical Information

Technical Information about Radial Force Sensor
Easy mounting, nearly none influence of the measurement trough the lever-arm. Without guide-rollers, equiped with a journal-bearing only. On this journal-bearing, an existing or Tensometric standard - roller can be mounted and used direct for measuring tensile forces.
Measuring principle : The sensor transforms the - on the journal-bearing - active radial forces into a linear electric signal. This signal is proportional to the radial forces, which have an influence on the measuring roller. For measuring tensile forces, the material is turned round, by means of the measuring roller, which is mounted on the journal-bearing. The radial-force-sensor is measuring the resulting forces.Having a known angle of contact, the tensile force of the material to be measured, can easy be destined. By changing the angle of contact around the measuring roller, the measuring range can be varied.
Tensometric radialforce sensors are components for multi-purpose use to measure tensile forces. Pulley - still existing in the machine - is mounted on the journal bearing. Mount the sensor in a position, that the material which should be measured, will deviated in a defined angle. In doing so, reliable tensionmeasurement will be held. Angle of contacts, of the material to be measured - around the measuring roller - between 3° and 180° are possible. Built-in amplifier in series. An analog outputsignal 0 - 10 V can be used for control- andregulation purposes.
Built-in measuring amplifier with Analog output signal
All Tensometric sensors are equiped with potentiometer to adjust the electrical zero and for calibration. By it, for users handling these sensors is simplified. Optionally : service voltages are available for 5V, 12V, 24V or +-15V. Analog outputsignal of 0-10V can be used for control- and regulation purposes